Information in the reports on this page is derived from the results of the most recent quarterly case review. Reviews conducted during a given quarter are focused on the work performed during the previous quarter. Quarters are based on the Kansas state fiscal year which begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th of the following year. The focus of these reviews is on documentation supporting the timeliness and accuracy of services provided to children, families and vulnerable adults.
To view Case Review Results, click desired program type.
Intake and Assessment Special Review - Child Under One: The report covers review for child protection services responses to intakes involving a child in the family home under the age of one to ensure ccompliance with Kansas PPM 2116 "Requirements for Children Under the Age of One."
Intake and Assessment Special Review - Problem Sexualized Behaviors: This report covers review for child protection services responses to Sexual Abuse intakes involving an alleged perpetrator under the age of 18 who may be experiencing problematic sexualized behaviors to ensure compliance with Kansas PPM 2090 "Child with Sexual Behavior Problems" and Kansas Statute.
Out of Home Services: This report covers program review for services provided to children and families who receive reintegration, adoption, or other permanency services when there is a child in state agency custody and placed out of home.
AFCARS: This report covers program review for Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) and Family and Child Tracking System (FACTS) data quality.