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Employment Services

Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services are the cornerstone of our efforts to empower Kansans with disabilities to become gainfully employed and self-sufficient. 
When people with disabilities are employed, everyone wins.
  • People with disabilities who become employed spend their earnings in local communities on housing, groceries, transportation . . . on life.  They contribute as tax payers.  Reliance on public assistance is reduced.


  • Employment of people with disabilities is good for Kansas businesses and industries.  They have access to qualified employees to meet their workforce needs in a competitive marketplace. 


  • It's good for the economy.  For each dollar earned as a result of a VR placement, there is about $1.66 in total earnings generated through the economy, according to a study done by Wichita State University.  Further, for each person employed through VR, there are about 1.85 total jobs created in the overall economy.


If you have a disability and you want to work, please contact us. 


