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Enrolling for Child Support Services

Child Support Services (CSS) automatically serves families receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Food Assistance, medical, foster care, and child care assistance. Assistance may be available to any family regardless of income or residency when they enroll for our services.
To enroll for CSS services, please download and print the appropriate enrollment form below. Sign and return the enrollment form at the local CSS office or by one of the following methods:
Postal Mail: Return mail to address on documents that you receive.
You may call the Child Support Call Center at 1-888-757-2445 or click here to obtain the office address information.
Child Support Services Enrollment Form - Use this form to enroll in the CSS program and you are the parent/caregiver of the child(ren).
Child Support Services Enrollment Form For Modification or Paternity Only - Noncustodial parents may enroll for services to request assistance in the establishment of paternity (if not previously established) or the possible modification of an existing support order.
You may also request an enrollment form by contacting the Child Support Call Center at 1-888-757-2445. Other necessary documents, such as a copy of the child’s birth certificate, may be requested in order for CSS to get started with your case.
Anyone enrolling for services will need to read the Kansas CSS Handbook.