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Program Overview

Due to a processing error with the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Bureau of the Fiscal Service on Feb. 26, 2025, federal tax refunds from the Internal Revenue Service were mistakenly distributed to non-custodial parents who owe past-due child support, instead of being directed to Kansas IV-D Child Support Services. 

If you are a non-custodial parent who owes child support and received a federal tax refund that should have been applied to your past due child support, please visit​  to make a payment or call 1-888-757-2445 for more information. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Kansas Child Sup​port Services


Kansas Child Support Services (CSS) helps children receive the financial support necessary for their growth and development. The program assists by establishing parentage and orders for child and medical support, locating noncustodial parents and their property, enforcing child and medical support orders, and modifying support orders as appropriate.


CSS automatically serves famili​es receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Food Assistance, medical, foster care, and child care assistance. Assistance from CSS is also available to any family regardless of income or residency, who applies for our services.


For more information view Kansas CSS Handbook or visit the Federal Office of Child Support Services​ website.


 Ha a clic aqui para ver una version en espanol del Manual CSS.


How to Receive Child Support Services

To contact CSS during regular business hours (M-F 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.), call the Child Support Call Center (CSCC) toll free at 1-888-757-2445. A child support representative can discuss how to enroll for services, support services in general, or answer questions about an existing child support case.


Ready to get started? Click the link below to begin your application!


Enroll Button ​​​​​​​​​​
How to Verify Payment or Make Payments

All child support payments are made through the Kansas Payment Center (KPC).  Payments can be mailed to the Kansas Payment Center, PO Box 758599, Topeka, KS 66675 or can be made online by visiting the KPC Website. Make sure to include your SSN and case number to ensure proper credit.


Payments are provided to the custodial parent by direct deposit or on a debit card.  Applications to enroll in those payment options can be found at the KPC Website


To view payment history or to check if a specific payment has been received, processed, or distributed please visit the KPC Website or call 1-877-572-5722.