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Kansas Child Support Services (CSS) can assist in establishing parentage (if appropriate) and orders for child and medical support. 

If the child’s mother was not married at the time the child was born, it may be necessary to establish paternity. Paternity establishment is the legal way to recognize the relationship between a father and his child. 
Once paternity is legally established a child gains many rights and privileges, including the right to child support. Other benefits to establishing paternity may include rights to Social Security and Veteran’s benefits, the father’s medical and life insurance benefits, and rights to inherit. Having a full family medical history could also be of great advantage, as it could help if the child has inherited any special health issues. 
After paternity is established, an order for child and medical support can be pursued. It is necessary to have an order for child support stating the amount due each month, in order to enforce payment from the noncustodial parent (NCP). Once the order has been established the CSS program will try to make sure payments are made regularly and in the correct amount. 
In preparation for the establishment of an order, the CSS caseworker will:
  • Complete an assessment of the case; 
  • Compile all necessary documents; 
  • Contact the NCP; 
  • Complete initial efforts to locate residence and employment; 
  • Determine the gross income of the parties; 
  • Determine reimbursement amounts, if any; and 
  • Complete the Child Support Worksheet (CSW). 


Once the information is compiled the caseworker will attempt to secure an Agreed Order or may need to send a referral to the CSS Legal department.