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Successful Families Program - TANF

The Successful Families Program offers employment services and support services to low-income families. That support may include cash assistance.  The family is defined as including a child who may be living with a parent, relative, or person named by a court to take care of the child, such as a guardian, conservator, or custodian. Certain eligibility requirements for participation are identified below.


To receive help from the Successful Families Program, a family must have the following:


  1. Families must have at least one child in the home under the age of  18 (including an unborn baby).
  2. Families must meet income requirements. Your worker will tell you what types of income you are required to report.
  3. Families must meet limited resource requirements. Your worker will review what assets you have. Some resources are not counted, such as:

    • the home in which the family lives
    • assets valued at less than $3,000
    • furniture, personal items, and some tools


Cash Assistance


Cash assistance is also known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

The amount of cash benefit provided depends upon the family’s income and the county where the family lives. The chart below shows the highest cash benefit a family may receive, based on family size:


Listing of key staff
Family Size Rural County High Cost Rural County High Population Counties High Cost
High Population Counties
1 $224 $229 $241 $267
2 $309 $314 $326 $352
3 $386 $391 $403 $429
4​ $454​ $459​ $471​ $497​
5 +​ Add $61 for each additional person​ ​ ​

Families may get cash assistance while they look for work as long as they meet program requirements. The requirements include cooperating with DCF Child Support Services Division.  Families who get TANF may also get medical benefits and child care.


Adults must work or participate in work activities in order to receive cash assistance for their family, unless they are needed to do one of the following:


  • take care of a child under 2 months of age
  • take care of a disabled household member


Note: Families can only get TANF for 24 months in a lifetime. You may not use your cash benefits to purchase alcohol, cigarettes, tobacco products, lottery tickets, concert tickets, professional or collegiate sporting event tickets or tickets for other entertainment events intended for the general public or sexually oriented adult materials.


Employment Support Services and Employment

Families can receive support services to help them prepare for and/or obtain employment. Persons receiving TANF who are not required to get a job or be in work activities may also apply for these services. 


They include:


  • help in obtaining and maintaining employment
  • job training
  • help in obtaining a GED or in learning English
  • transportation assistance
  • clothing
  • moving costs related to a job
  • help with parenting skills
  • physical or mental health services
  • services for learning disabilities (such as help with reading and/or math)
  • drug or alcohol problems, or domestic violence


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