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Service Overview

555 S. Kansas Avenue, 1st Floor
Topeka, Kansas 66603
(785) 296-4327


Organizational Health and Development enhances the capacity of DCF to provide services for Kansas families through training and staff development.  
The DCF Library houses more than 2000 books, CD's, VHS, DVD's, games, training manuals and training magazines.  Computer-based training programs are available in-house, by appointment for social workers, nurses and supervisors needing CEU or CEPS credits.  The library is equipped with VCR and DVD players for accessing the electronic materials.
For more detailed information on how to checkout DCF Library items, please contact Strategic Development at 785-296-4327 or send an email to
The DCF Training Center is an online system that allows staff to view their transcripts, search the course catalog for available training, check the calendar and take on-line courses.