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Mandated Reporter Portal

Welcome to the Kansas Department for Children and Families Mandated Reporter Portal

The Kansas Department for Children and Family Services Online Reporter Portal is designed to provide our Mandated Reporters the ability to report information related to alleged adult or child(ren) abuse and/or neglect.
Note: You are responsible for the protection of any identifiable information included in this report until your submission of the report to DCF. Please take care to protect this information prior to submission.

Failure to provide complete information related to the situation or circumstance you are reporting, including demographic information, may delay a response in assessing the safety and well-being of the child(ren) or adult and may also result in the report being non-accepted.
Are you a Mandated Reporter?
To determine if you are a child or adult mandated reporter please select the links below for a listing of mandated reporters by occupation.
How do I learn more about being a Mandated Reporter?
DCF offers mandated reporter training for Adult Protective Services across the state of Kansas. DCF is now partnering with Kansas Children's Service League (KCSL) to provide mandated reporter training for Child Protective Services. Click here to submit your training request online.
How does a Mandated Reporter make a report?
If this is an emergency, call your local law enforcement agency or 911.

To report alleged abuse/neglect that does requires immediate assistance, call toll-free 1-800-922-5330 to speak with a trained specialist 24 hours a day, 7 a week.

To report alleged abuse/neglect online click the link to be directed to the Mandated Reporter online report form.
Can I find out information after I make a report?
When making a report you will be asked if you would like to receive a reporter notification letter. If you select yes, to receiving a reporter notification letter please leave your name, mailing address and email address on the online report.  Once the report is submitted you will be provided an Intake ID number for your records. If you remain anonymous on the report then you will not be able to receive the Intake ID number or a reporter notification letter.  

Federal and State laws protect the confidentiality of children, families and adults by prohibiting DCF from disclosing additional details. DCF is unable to release further information to you without a written release of information. 


Note:  To report an unexcused school absence, fill out this form:  PPS 1006-Report of Unexcused School Absences. 
