The purpose of the Gail Finney Memorial Foster Care Bill of Rights is, consistent with the policy expressed in and pursuant to
KSA 38-2201, in order to ensure the proper care and protection of a child in need of care in the child welfare system, unless otherwise ordered by the court, a child shall have the following right to:
(5) have access to all appropriate school supplies, services, tutoring, extra-curricular and personal enrichment activities;
(6) attend school daily in accordance with
K.S.A. 38-2218, and amendments thereto
(7) receive a HS diploma if such child has earned the standard credits in accord with
KSA 38-2285
(8) be notified of all hearings held pursuant to the revised KS CIC when age or developmentally appropriate
(9) attend in person or virtually, all court hearing s held pursuant to CINC code when age or developmentally appropriate;
(10) address the court regarding any proposed placement or placement change in accord with
KSA 38-2262, and amendments thereto, when age or developmentally appropriate
(11) have a guardian ad litem represent best interests of the child in accordance with
KSA 38-2205, and amendments thereto, and contact child regularly;
(12) request an attorney who will represent the position of the child, if they are different than the determinations of the guardians ad litem, in accordance with
K.S.A. 38-2205 and amendments thereto;
(13) have privacy to send and receive unopened mail and make and receive phone calls;
(14) have regular and private contact with and access to case managers, attorneys, and advocates;
(15) access accurate and necessary information for such child’s well-being from case managers, guardians and any person who is by law liable to maintain, care for or support the child;
(16) have as few case managers as possible;
(17) contact a case manager’s supervisor if there is a conflict that cannot be resolved between such child and such child’s case manager;
(18) report a violation of this section without fear of punishment, interference, coercion, or retaliation; and