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Adult Protective Services

Adult Protective Services (APS) responds to reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation of adults. Intervention is available to adults age 18 and older who are unable to protect themselves. This includes individuals who have physical, emotional or mental impairments. These impairments may limit their ability to manage their homes or their personal or financial affairs. Intervention actions are taken to safeguard the safety, wellbeing and general welfare of adults in need of protection.

The APS program helps those adults who need assistance in dealing with abusive, neglectful or exploitive situations. Those who are most frail, dependent and socially isolated are at highest risk. Adult Protective Services social workers provide protective services to these adults, with their consent. This service is provided for adults who reside:


  • in Kansas communities
  • in facilities licensed by the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services when the perpetrator is not a resident of or staff of the facility



The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) investigates allegations of abuse, neglect and exploitation when the alleged perpetrator is a licensed or certified employee providing services through a KDHE licensed Home Health Agency unless the adult is receiving Home and Community Based Services (HCBS).  APS is responsible for investigating in those instances. 

The intent of Adult Protective Services is to protect the most vulnerable adults from harm while safeguarding their civil liberties.


Elder Justice in Kansas Video Transcript


Download Financial Exploitation Communication Materials 

All materials are full color, 300 ppi and in PDF format.


APS_Financial_Exploitation_Trifold (1.28MB)

Role as Power of Attorney Brochure (1.67MB)​​​