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DCF renews Family Preservation Services Contracts to three experienced agencies

DCF renews Family Preservation Services Contracts to three experienced agencies
Family Preservation focuses on stabilizing safety supports for Kansas families

Topeka, Kan. – After a lengthy application and assessment period, the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) has awarded contracts for its Family Preservation Services (FPS). More than $11 million will be distributed to three contractors to provide stabilizing safety supports for Kansas families. 

“The partners selected to implement the Family Preservation Services are well qualified and experienced with a determined focus to support families and find safety, at home, for the children,” said DCF Secretary Laura Howard. “Family Preservation Services are a turning point for families.”

“The family’s voice and engagement are an integral part of the process,” Howard continued. “Together, with the Family Preservation case management teams, the family will define the barriers to the children remaining safely at home and work together to identify ways to overcome the barriers.” 

The newly awarded FPS contracts will be in place from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2028 with an optional renewal for one additional 24-month period. Proposals were received from five agencies, three of which are the existing contractors, to manage Family Preservation Services. The 2024-2028 contracts were awarded to the existing contract holders. 

Beginning with the 2024 contract period, the Tier 1 and 2 referral system will be eliminated. When a referral is made for Family Preservation Services, the provider working alongside the family will determine the family’s needs. 

FPS provide an array of services to meet family and child needs. The services range on a continuum of high-to-low intensity through the time the services are provided. Family Preservation focuses on families who have one or more children at risk for out-of-home placement or who will be at-risk of out-of-home placement after birth.

Family Preservation in DCF Regions

DCCCA will continue to manage FPS in the Wichita and Kansas City regions. DCCA has 16 years of experience providing family preservation services in Kansas. The agency has sponsored and supported foster care families for 22 years, been a prevention services provider for more than 34 years, and a substance use disorder and addiction provider for 45 years. 
DCCCA Contract-Region-Award
Contract DCF Region Award
DCCCA Wichita, includes City of Wichita​ $2,000,000
DCCA Kansas City, includes Lawrence, 
Leavenworth and Kansas City​

​​​​​​​​​​​TFI will continue its work in the Northwest and Southwest regions. TFI has provided Family Preservation Services in Kansas since 2005 and recruitment, training, retention and support of foster families across Kansas since 1996.
TFI Contract-Region-Award
Contract DCF Region Award
TFI Northwest, includes Hays and 
TFI Southwest, includes Emporia, ​
Hutchinson, and Dodge City​

​​Cornerstones of Care will continue its focus on families in the Northeast and Southeast regions. The organization focuses on three key service areas to support safe and healthy communities including youth and family support, foster care and adoption, and education and trainings. 
Cornerstones of Care Contract-Region-Award
Contract DCF Region Award
Cornerstones of Care Northeast, includes Topeka $1,905,974
Cornerstones of Care Southeast, includes Pittsburg​ $1,950,921​

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The Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) mission to protect children, strengthen families and promote adult self-sufficiency. DCF’s more than 35 service centers across the state offers a wide range of support services including food, utility, and child care assistance, child support services, and employment education and training. DCF also partners with grantees to provide foster care services to children including case planning, placement, life skills, and foster parent recruitment and training. DCF works in partnership with organizations, communities and other agencies to support families, children and vulnerable adults connecting them with resources, supports and networks in their home communities.
