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Changes in Employment Status

What do I do when the status of an employee/obligor changes?
Temporary lay-off:
Notify Kansas Child Support Services (CSS) by calling the Child Support Call Center at 888-757-2445, by fax at 844-682-2171, or by email to Please include the employee's name, Case Identifier, and Order Identifier.
Employee/obligor is no longer employed or was never employed:
Complete the NOTIFICATION OF EMPLOYMENT TERMINATION OR INCOME STATUS section on page 4 of the Income Withholding Order and submit to CSS by faxing to 844-682-2171 or emailing to
A former employee/obligor is rehired:
Resume complying with the IWO as when the employee/obligor was first employed. It is good practice to contact CSS to ensure you have the most recent IWO on file (it is possible the IWO has been modified or terminated).
Employers are to comply with IWO's until notified by the issuing court or the child support agency. K.S.A. 23-3104(d)
Employers must retain all IWO's for employees who leave the organization.