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Locating the Noncustodial Parent

To establish and enforce a support order, Child Support Services (CSS) must know where the noncustodial parent (NCP) lives and/or works. 
CSS may perform nationwide searches using the NCP’s Social Security Number. Also, CSS may check records of state agencies such as motor vehicle registration, unemployment insurance, correctional facilities, economic assistance, etc. If the NCP changes jobs, the State Directory of New Hires should notify CSS about the new employer. 
If the NCP cannot be located in KS, CSS will ask for help from other states, or from the Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS). The FPLS searches for addresses in records of Federal agencies, such as the Social Security Administration. 
The more information you can provide to CSS regarding the whereabouts of the NCP, the easier it will be for CSS to proceed with action on your case. If you learn of a new address or employer for the NCP, you should call the Child Support Call Center to report the information.