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Medical Withholding Orders

What do I do with a Medical Income Withholding Order?
If an employee/obligor participates in a health benefit plan and is required to provide health coverage for a child under an IWO, the employer or administrator of the plan must permit the employee/obligor to enroll the child. K.S.A. 23-3114(d)
Employers must pay the premiums for a child's coverage under an employee/obligor's health benefit plan as required by the health benefit plan and not include them with other support payments. K.S.A. 23-3104(c)
The sum withheld by the employer, including the cost recovery fee and premiums for the medical withholding order, cannot not exceed 50% of the obligor's disposable income as defined by section 302(b) of the Consumer Credit Protection Act.
K.S.A. 23-3104(f)
NOTE: The employer or employee/obligor should contact the court or child support office shown on the Income Withholding Order if they have questions about health insurance for the employee/obligor's child(ren).