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Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 Central Registry Requests

Child Welfare Record Request: Out of State Child Welfare Agencies
Out-of-state requests for background information on potential foster and adoptive parents should be made to Kansas' Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry, as provided for under the federal Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006. Requests from state child welfare agencies should be submitted in writing on state agency letterhead. For each subject, please include full name, aliases, gender, DOB and SSN.  State child welfare agencies making such requests are not required to submit a signed release form or a processing fee.  Requests should be submitted to: (Please specify on the subject line as: Out-of-State Child Welfare)
Fax and mail requests also accepted:
DCF Child Abuse/Neglect Central Registry
P.O Box 2637
Topeka, KS 66601
Fax: 785.296.8609
Child Abuse/Neglect Central Registry
Central Registry requests from the public or private agencies provided for under the 2006 Adam Walsh legislation will not be granted without a signed release.
When completing Release of Information form, do not leave any spaces blank; instead use N/A or strikethrough.  Please ensure forms are legible, signed and dated.  Get form here: Registry Release Form
A $10.00 fee may apply for each request.
  • No fee for any state government agency (state contracting and sub-contracting agencies not included).
  • $10 per release form for private agencies and general public.
Payment (if required)
Submitting Release Forms

For emailed and faxed Releases which require a fee, include online payment receipt number or prepay account information (FEIN).
  • Email preferred:
  • Fax accepted: 785.296.8609
  • Mail: Check/money order payments must be submitted via mail with completed Release form(s).
Results of the Central Registry request will be emailed or mailed to the person/agency requesting the information as indicated on the Release of Information form.