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Adoption Records and Search

DCF conducts adoption searches for adoptees and birth parents for private and DCF adoptions that were finalized in the State of Kansas. The adoptee must be 18 years of age or older before a search can be requested. Searches for birth siblings are only conducted if the adoptee and birth siblings had an established relationship prior to being adopted and if the birth sibling is currently 18 years old or older. Searches are not conducted for extended family members such as grandparents, aunts, etc. However, extended family members may send DCF a letter to be placed in the adoptee's file.
Available forms are listed below and are also be found on the Forms and Appendices Page:
Adult Adoptee Searching for Birth Parents (Form PPS 0330) in Word or in Adobe
Birth Parents requesting contact with Adult Adoptee  (Form PPS 0335) in Word or in Adobe
Adult Requesting Search for Birth Siblings (Form PPS 0340) in Word or in Adobe
Authorization to Release Information (Form PPS 0350) in Word or in Adobe