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Adoption Service Frequency

Listing of key staff
Year # Children Served in the Contract # State Adoptions Finalized*
SFY 1996 N/A 352
SFY 1997 1,219 421
SFY 1998 1,548 529
​SFY 1999 ​1,853 ​418
​SFY 2000 ​2,013 ​559
​SFY 2001 ​2,089 ​446
​SFY 2002 ​2,198 ​499
​SFY 2003 ​2,269 ​486
​SFY 2004 ​2,292 ​613
​SFY 2005 ​2,231 ​623
​SFY 2006 ​688** ​501
​SFY 2007 ​678 ​715
SFY 2008​ ​662 ​712
​SFY 2009 ​508 ​816
​SFY 2010 ​*** ​721
SFY 2011​ ​*** ​761
​SFY 2012 ​*** ​777
​SFY 2013 ​*** 620​
​SFY 2014 ​*** ​666
​SFY 2015 ​*** ​765
​SFY 2016 ​***


​SFY 2017 ​*** ​758
​SFY 2018 ​*** ​766
​SFY 2019 ​*** ​1,210
​SFY 2020 ​*** ​998
*This number only includes finalized adoptions of children while in State custody. Private adoptions for children who were not in state custody at the time of finalization are not included in the above information.

**In State fiscal year 2006, the adoption contract changed. The adoption provider no longer has case management responsibilities, but is assisting in getting children who do not have an identified resource adopted.

***In State fiscal year 2010, adoption services were combined into the foster care/reunification contract.