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CPS Statewide Service Frequency

 Year Reports Received Reports Assigned for Investigation of Maltreatment Reports Assigned for Assessment of CINC/NAN/FINA Reasons*​** Substantiated Victims
CY 1998 39,752 18,538 6,720 6,790
SFY 1999 40,817 19,367 6,453 7,837
SFY 2000 43,220 20,232 8,141 8,101
​SFY 2001 ​40,843 ​19,070 ​7,417 ​8,389
​SFY 2002 ​42,818 ​18,123 ​7,767 ​7,741
​SFY 2003 ​40,966 ​16,869 ​7,579 ​7,085
​SFY 2004 ​43,102 ​16,728 ​7,872 ​6,354
​SFY 2005 ​​46,250 ​15,701 ​8,832 ​*2,749
SFY 2006 ​50,402 ​16,361 ​8,810 ​2,974
​SFY 2007 ​53,048 ​18,316 ​9,021 ​2,189
​SFY 2008 ​53,888 ​18,129 ​9,294 ​2,020
​SFY 2009 ​56,207 ​18,332 ​9,008 ​1,373
​SFY 2010 ​55,730 ​17,917 ​9,998 ​1,426
​SFY 2011 ​59,775 ​20,207 ​10,251 ​1,807
​SFY 2012 ​64,129 ​22,921 ​11,068 ​1,916
​SFY 2013 ​65,421 24,801​ ​11,062 2,086​
​SFY 2014 ​65,152 ​24,333 ​11,218 ​2,017
​SFY 2015 ​65,631 ​24,922 ​11,689 ​2,104
​SFY 2016 67,642 ​23,876 ​11,346 ​2,173
​SFY 2017 ​67,372 ​25,578 ​11,867 ​**4,327
​SFY 2018 72,683​ ​28,375 12,248
​SFY 2019 ​73,407 34,424 ​11,377*** 3,126
​SFY 2020 ​66,525 ​27,396 ​10,544 ​2,807

*KAR amendments effective July 2004 increased the standard of evidence for a case finding to "clear & convincing" definitions of physical abuse and mental abuse removed "likelihood of harm" narrowing the definition of physical and mental abuse; and a substantiated finding is now entered on the Kansas Child Abuse & Neglect Central Registry.  Any one of these items could have reduced the number of substantiated victims.


** In July 2016, the level of evidence for a case finding changed from "clear & convincing" to "preponderance". In addition to the finding level of substantiated, as of July 2016, another finding category of affirmed was added. 

***In July 2018, FINA (family in need of assessment) allegations/reasons replaced non-abuse neglect.
