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Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA)

The federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) requires states to establish Citizen Review Panels comprised of  members who broadly represent the state. Kansas has three Citizen Review Panels (CRPs), each tasked with reviewing specific program areas: The Intake to Petition (ITP) panel focuses on areas of child abuse/neglect investigations and prevention services; the Custody to Transition (CTT) panel focuses on the processes from petition through permanency; and the State Child Death Review Board (SCDRB) analyzes child deaths in Kansas. Members of ITP and CTT are volunteers, members of the SCDRB are appointed.
The panels are required to meet every three months and are responsible for reviewing policies, procedures and practices of the state’s child welfare system. Each panel prepares an annual report that summarizes panel activities and makes recommendations to improve child welfare services in the state.

Annual Reports

Informational Flyers
Related to CAPTA, the Intake to Petition Panel functions as the Kansas Children's Justice Act Task Force.
