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Education and Training Voucher (ETV)

Education and Training Vouchers are available to eligible youth for assistance based on need with post-secondary education and certified training programs. ETV funds may be used for costs associated with post-secondary education and/or training only and cannot exceed $3,500 or the total cost of attendance per youth per plan year, whichever is less.

All youth must have an open service case to receive ETV. Youth may only participate in the ETV program for a total of five years, whether or not the years are consecutive.  Eligibility for the ETV Program ends when a youth turns 26.

Funds may be used for expenses related to the cost of education, such as:
  • Room and board
  • Books and materials
  • Child Care
  • Tutoring
  • Transportation

Youth who are eligible for ETV have earned a high school diploma or GED, are enrolled in a post-secondary education that is a pre-accredited, accredited, or certified training program, and the youth meets one of the following:
  • in the custody of DCF, KDOC-JS, or Tribal Authority and in a foster care placement on the date the youth attained 18 years of age; or
  • left a foster care placement subject to a permanent custodianship or guardianship under chapter 38 or 59 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated on or after the youth's 16th birthday; or
  • adopted from foster care placement on or after the youth's 16th birthday; or
  • in an eligible out of home placement for any length of time on or after the 14th birthday, unless an adoption, permanent custodianship, or guardianship is finalized prior to the youth's 16th birthday.