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The National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD)

The National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD)  is a data collection system that tracks independent living services provided to youth and helps Kansas measure success in preparing youth for the transition from foster care to adult living. This is done by (1) reporting services to all youth ages 14-26 who have received independent living services, and (2) surveying youth at ages 17, and when they turn 19 and 21.
This project is an opportunity for the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF), Child Welfare Case Management Providers, Kansas Department of Corrections - Juvenile Services (KDOC-JS), and the tribes to collaborate for the purpose of learning how youth are being served in the state.
The NYTD system in Kansas has been designed to help locate youth and administer surveys.  
The following links provide material and information for surveying youth.