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Permanent Custodianship Subsidy

Prevention and Protection Services offers a variety of prevention programs to support and maintain families, reducing the number of children placed in the custody of the Secretary of the Department for Children and Families.  One of these services is Permanent Custodianship Subsidy.

Permanent Custodianship Subsidy (PCS) was established to provide financial assistance to those who care for children who have been in DCF custody and for whom the permanency plans of reunification and adoption have been ruled out. To be eligible, a child has to be in DCF custody at the time that the permanent guardianship is established; age 14 or older or part of a sibling group that includes a child age 14 or older; not be receiving SSI; and have a guardian who is an adult eligible to receive Temporary Assistance to Families. PPS approves and processes the payments for PCS and Regional DCF offices handle the medical card case and annual reviews. The maximum amount that a child can receive is $300.00, which is dependent on their income. The income of the custodian is not counted.
Permanent Custodians are responsible for reporting the following changes regarding the child you are receiving Permanent Custodianship Subsidy.
  • If you move, your new address
  • If your phone number changes
  • If your e-mail address changes
  • Immediately of any changes in the child's living situation
  • Immediately if the custodianship is set aside or they cease to be legally or financially responsible for the child
  • When the child reaches 18 and has completed high school
  • When the child becomes emancipated
  • If the child dies, or otherwise ceases to need support