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SOUL Family Legal Permanency

All youth deserve permanency through the development and support of lifelong relationships that connect them to the people they consider their family and community. SOUL Family Legal Permanency is a youth-centered permanency option that enables youth in foster care age 16 and older to establish a legal caregiving relationship with one or more adults (called SOUL Family Legal Permanency custodians) while still maintaining existing family connections and access important benefits to support their transition into adulthood. In addition to the SOUL Family Legal Permanency custodian(s), the court can formally recognize a broader network of caring adults to provide certain supports to youth.​

SOUL Family Legal Permanency is the newest addition to existing legal permanency options which include reintegration, permanent custodianship, adoption and APPLA (another planned permanent living arrangement). SOUL Family Legal Permanency was signed into law in April 2024, making Kansas the first state in the country to offer the SOUL Family Legal Permanency option. With the support of caseworkers and the caring adults in their lives, youth will be able choose the permanency pathway that is right for them, subject to approval of the court.

Under the SOUL Family Legal Permanency option, youth will maintain access to Medicaid coverage and are eligible for subsidies and financial support, including money for post-secondary education and training, similar to benefits provided under other permanency options. In addition, youth who achieve permanency via SOUL Family Legal Permanency will be able to access Independent Living benefits once they meet certain eligibility requirements.

SOUL Family Eligibility Requirements
  • Youth must be age 16 or older.
  • Youth must consent to the custodianship.
  • Parents must consent to the custodianship if they maintain parental rights.
  • Prior to recommending appointment, Case Management Providers must have assessed the potential custodian(s) and prepared results of the assessment to provide to the court.

How It Works
  • Youth identify one or more adults to be their SOUL Family Legal Permanency custodian(s). Selected custodians do not have to be related to the youth or to each other (although they can be related).
  • Potential SOUL Family Legal Permanency custodian(s) need to be able and willing to meet basic caregiving requirements and be approved by the court.
  • The SOUL Family Legal Permanency custodian(s) will make day-to-day decisions about the youth’s care and exercise the rights and responsibilities of a parent, except they may not consent to adoption or be court-ordered to pay child support or medical support to the youth.
  • After the youth turns 18, the SOUL Family Legal custodian(s) have indicated that they plan to maintain

SOUL Family Legal Permanency ​Youth​ Custodian Birth Parent​

Learn more about SOUL Family Legal Permanency at Children’s Alliance of Kansas.

Questions about SOUL Family Legal Permane​ncy? To discuss a specific case, contact the youth’s Case Management Provider. For general inquiries, email:​