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KCDHH Services

Direct Services
Interpreter referral and coordination: KCDHH helps state agencies, hospitals, law enforcement organizations, court and business locate professional interpreters. 
Safety Communication Visor: A vehicle visor, available through KCDHH, helps law enforcement and emergency response officials quickly identify drivers who may be deaf or hard of hearing. The Visor indicates that special communication techniques may be needed.  
Awareness/public education provided: KCDHH can provide workshops/presentations on topics such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), hearing aids, assistive technology, deaf self-advocacy training, hearing loss, etc.
KCDHH is also responsible for these functions:
  • Maintains and provides information and referral  
  • Advocates for communication access ranging from education to employment.
  • Maintains the state-wide registry of interpreters working in the state of Kansas
  • Consults with the Legislature on hearing loss issues.
  • Participates on task forces and advisory boards.
  • Conducts awareness trainings and workshops related to Deaf culture, sign language interpreting, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), etc.
  • Manages a lending library with over 500 materials ranging from sign language skill building to Deaf culture.
What KCDHH CAN Do for You
Information and Referral -
  • We CAN refer you to an agency that may be able to serve your needs such as Rehabilitation Services, mental health services, etc.  Example: You are looking for a licensed audiologist for a hearing evaluation; or you need a list of interpreters in your county.

Advocacy, Education or Awareness -
  • We CAN participate in planning of projects, advocate and/or testify for such public policy change.  Example: KCDHH can help set up a committee to draft a public policy change such as legislation to improve the quality of life for the Deaf and hard of hearing.
  • We CAN provide informational workshops on self-advocacy, use of interpreters, etc. Example: KCDHH will collaborate with other organizations in providing workshops or seminars on various topics such as the ADA.
  • We CAN provide information on the ADA to employers and private entities such as physicians and lawyers.  Example: If you are unable to explain your rights under the ADA law to your employer, we can provide the employer with information.