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Resources for Kansas Employers


Image - Hiring Kansans with disabilities is good for business.

 Kansas Rehabilitation Services (KRS) helps people with disabilities achieve employment and links businesses with qualified and productive employees to meet their workforce needs.

Put KRS to Work for You
Each year, more than 1,600 businesses successfully leverage the resources of KRS to meet their workforce needs. You can too


  • There is no cost to you for our services.

Good for Your Bottom Line
Employees with disabilities will contribute to the success of your business. National studies show that their performance equals or exceeds their non-disabled peers in several critical areas, including safety, reliability and productivity.

These studies also show that individuals with disabilities tend to have lower turnover rates.

Learn More

You can call toll-free 1-866-213-9079 and ask to speak with our Employer Relations Specialist.

Good for Kansas

Hiring people with disabilities is good for the economy. Persons rehabilitated into employment earn millions of dollars in annual income, which is then spent in local communities on housing, groceries, gasoline and more. They also pay significant state, federal and local taxes.