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Change Reporting Requirements

Child Care
You must tell us of the following changes within 10 days of the date the change becomes known to the household.
  • If you move, your new address and phone number.
  • Choice of child care provider and/or hours of child care needed, including when child care is no longer being used or has not been used for an entire calendar month for any or all children receiving assistance.
  • When the total gross monthly income for your household exceeds 85% of the State Median Income for your household size.
Household Size 85% of the State Median Income
​Household of 2 ​$4,737 per month
​Household of 3 ​$5,851 per month
​Household of 4 ​$6,966 per month
​Household of 5 ​$8,081 per month
​Household of 6  ​$9,195 per month
​Household of 7 ​$9,404 per month
​Household of 8 ​$9,613 per month
​Household of 9 ​$9,822 per month
​Household of 10  ​$10,031 per month

Food Assistance
You must tell us of the following changes within the first 10 days of the month following the month the change occurs.
  • You must tell us when the amount of gross monthly income (earned and unearned) goes over 130% of the monthly poverty income guidelines for your household size.
    EXAMPLES of income sources are: wages, child support, SSI, Social Security benefits, unemployment benefits, retirement benefits and money from any other source.
  • If your household has a person who is age 18 through 54 without dependents and working, you must tell us when the person’s work hours becomes less than 20 hours a week.
  • Whenever a member of the household wins substantial lottery or gambling winnings which is $4,500 or greater (before taxes or other amounts are withheld).

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
You must tell us of the following changes within 10 days of the date the change becomes known to the household.
  • Changes in the source of earned income or when the amount of earned income being counted goes up or down by more than $100 per month. 
  • Changes in the source of unearned income or when the amount of unearned income being counted goes up or down by more than $50 a month.
  • If anyone moves in or out of your home.
  • If you move, your new address and phone number.
  • If your household’s total cash, savings, checking, or other resources goes over $3,000.
  • If anyone in your home gets married, divorced, or separated.