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Child Care Providers


Child Care Provider Market Rate Study


Rate Chart


November 2018 DCF Child Care Rate Adjustment
Effective November 1, 2018, the Department for Children and Families (DCF) is adjusting child care maximum provider rates for child care recipients.  The changes will begin to affect child care benefits for some families as early as their November allotment, other families will see their benefit rate change take effect at their next case change or review.  DCF anticipates investing an estimated $5.7 million dollars annually to make this change, an increase of 16% in annual child care expenditures, bringing subsidy rates to the 65th percentile based upon the statewide average indicated from data within the most recent market analysis completed in Kansas.  This rate adjustment will increase the maximum allowable rates for most of the provider rate categories in the state.   With this adjustment, most families will see a decrease in the difference between their child care benefits and the rate their child care provider charges, thereby reducing their out of pocket expense for child care.
It is expected that this adjustment will help increase access to high quality care for low income children in Kansas.


June 2017 Child Care Provider Changes

Effective 06/14/2021 the Licensed Child Care Provider Application is available online: 
Please continue to call your local DCF office to receive a paper application for the following:
Unregulated Provider Application
Relative Provider Application
In-Home Relative Provider Application
DCF Child Care Provider Handbook - English


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