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CSFP Manual Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Kansas Commodity Supplemental Food Program Overview
I.  Introduction

The Kansas Department for Children and Families referred to as DCF or the State Agency in this document, is submitting a State Plan to continue the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP).  This State Plan provides an overview of the Kansas CSFP operations.

II.  History

The initial intent in implementing CSFP in Kansas was to provide services to pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, and children up to 6 years old that were not served by the WIC Program in three metropolitan areas (Wichita, Kansas City and Topeka) of the state. Services were then expanded to serve elderly in the three existing sites. Elderly have gradually increased to encompass approximately 98% of the caseload.

In FFY 97 and FFY 98, the service areas were expanded to include the surrounding counties of the existing three sites.  Policy was changed to serve infants with the beginning of FFY 2001. In FFY 2004, the service area around Wichita (Sedgwick County) was expanded to include one more county (Chautauqua). In 2007-2008 the service area was expanded to 23 counties to include Miami, and Franklin counties. In 2010 service areas were expanded again to include Stafford, Nemaha, Washington, Marshall and Clay for a total of 29 counties. In 2011 Anderson county was added.  With the new Farm Bill in 2014, women, infants and children were removed from the program with the intention of WIC now serving their needs.  In 2015, Kansas Food Bank came on board to serve Crawford county for a total of 31 counties served.  In 2017 service areas were expanded to include Barber, Cherokee and Ellis counties.  In 2018 Second Harvest Community Food Bank came on board to serve Brown, Doniphan and Atchison counties.  Kansas Food Banks territory continues to expand to include a total of 13 counties for a grand total of 42 counties.  In 2019 CSFP is now in 49 counties and continues to expand.  In Nov 2019 the CSFP food package is changing to include a variety of options for seniors to better meet their needs.   

III.  Goals and Objectives
The goal of the Kansas CSFP is to provide a “prescribed” food package and nutrition education benefits to the eligible population through efficient and effective program delivery.

The objectives are as follows:
  1. To assist and train Local Agencies (LA’s) in maintaining caseload and funding levels. Based on availability of caseloads and funding, expand services into additional surrounding counties or establish an additional CSFP site in a non-served area of the state. [See Exhibit C for State Map]
  2. To continue to provide timely, relevant, and informative information to CSFP LA staff on general program management, CSFP funding levels, caseload management, nutritional education, and new USDA or State policies.
  3. To assist LA’s in improving their referral and outreach networks to ensure that quality services are available to CSFP participants and that participation is maintained or increased based on caseload levels.
IV.  Selection of Agencies

DCF selects LA’s for CSFP through a Request for Proposals (RFP) Grant process.  Pre-screening for eligibility to administer the program is accomplished through an on-site visit to each LA. The LA’s and counties served are identified in Exhibit D.

V.  Application Procedure

Each LA is required to submit a grant application to administer CSFP. The application is screened by DCF based on criteria listed in USDA Regulation 7 CFR 247.7.