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Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP)

The NSIP program began in 1988 and is jointly administered by Department for Children and Families and the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Service (KDADS). NSIP provides United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA) commodities to Area Agencies on Aging nutrition projects to help defer the costs of their food purchases.
Foods are used in preparing congregate meals and/or home delivered meals to persons over the age of 60. Foods are shipped monthly to projects for a small per case fee that covers storage, shipping and administrative costs.
There are eleven Kansas Area Agencies on Aging that contract with one or more nutrition projects that in turn provide home delivered and/or congregate meals for a specific geographic area. The projects receive their funding from the Older American's Act of 1965 Title III C, state, and local funds. Projects have the option of choosing to receive a percent of their Federal funding in the form of USDA commodities. With the buying power of USDA, this assists projects in reducing their food costs.
For more information on NSIP cash or policy please contact KDADS at (800) 432-3535 or (785) 296-4986 or email​.
To view the NSIP commodity manual click here.
For more information on NSIP commodities contact Nataly Montufar at​.
Go back to USDA Commodity Programs main page.