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Adoption Assistance

Adoption assistance is a program designed to remove barriers to the adoption of children with special needs, who otherwise could not be adopted.  The intent of the program is to assist the adoptive family in meeting the special and ordinary needs of a child. The types of assistance the child receives shall be determined by the negotiation process with Prevention and Protection staff.  It shall not be assumed all families will need all types of assistance.


Eligibility for this financial assistance must be determined prior to finalization of the adoption. Assistance may include a special one-time payment, non-recurring expenses to provide for legal fees, or an ongoing monthly financial subsidy and a medical card. The type and amount of subsidy is negotiated with the prospective adoptive parents. Consideration is given to the specific needs of the child, family's community resources and support services and available resources.  


Adoptive parents are responsible for reporting the following changes regarding your child for which you are receiving Adoption Assistance within 30 days of the change.


  • If you move, your new address
  • If your phone number changes
  • If your e-mail address changes
  • If your child leaves your home and where the child is currently residing
  • Immediately of any changes in your child's living situation
  • If you are no longer financially supporting your child
  • If you are no longer legally responsible for your child
  • Of any changes in medical coverage
  • When your child reaches 18 and has completed high school
  • If your child is no longer attending school
  • If your child begins receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • When your child becomes emancipated
  • If your child dies, or otherwise ceases to need support


 Adoption Assistance Brochure