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Prevention and Protection Services Report Adult Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation

Adult Protective Services works with other local agencies to help adults at risk. These adults may be unable to protect themselves from harm. If you suspect an adult might be at risk, report your concerns by calling the Kansas Protection Report Center at:

Telephones are staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays. If the adult is at immediate risk contact local law enforcement or dial 911.  Some individuals are required to report their concerns by statute.  To learn if you are a mandatory reporter please see the Kansas Adult Protective Services brochure.
What to Report?
Include the name and address of the adult suspected of being abused, neglected, exploited or financially abused. Please include your name and contact information, although DCF does accept anonymous reports. Give information about the nature of the concern.
Please be as specific as possible about the abuse, neglect, exploitation or fiduciary abuse allegation, including whether you think the adult is in immediate danger. Include what you have seen, how long you believe the abuse has been occurring, when you last saw the adult and who the alleged perpetrator is.
Report any information you think might be helpful in the investigation and protection of the adult. This includes addresses, telephone numbers and directions to the home(s) of relatives, caretakers, the alleged perpetrator(s) and potential risk factors for the adult or social worker such as violence, guns, dogs, etc.
Immunity of Reporter
Those who report suspected abuse, take part in any follow-up activity or who testify in any administrative or judicial proceeding as a result of the report are immune to any civil or criminal liability unless the reporter made a malicious report. The statute prohibits an employer from imposing penalties on an employee for making a report or cooperating with an investigation.
Confidentiality of Reporter
The name of the reporter or any person mentioned in the report will not be disclosed without the reporter’s permission in writing, or through court order.

What will APS do when a Report is Received?

  • Initiate a personal visit with the adult within 24 hours or up to five working days depending on the risk of imminent danger to the individual.
  • Interview the alleged perpetrator unless doing so will put the adult at further risk.
  • Interview collaterals when appropriate (service providers, relatives, neighbors, etc.).
  • Make a finding of substantiated or unsubstantiated regarding the allegation of abuse, neglect, exploitation or fiduciary abuse.
  • Discuss with the adult, guardian, conservator, and/or caretaker what actions are needed to prevent further and future harm. 
  • Develop a service plan with the adult to address any identified unmet needs.
  • Assist the adult in locating services which are necessary to maintain physical and/or mental health: i.e., legal services, medical care, appropriate living arrangements, assistance in personal hygiene, food, clothing, adequate shelter, protection from maltreatment, and transportation.
  • Services provided will include only those that are determined to be needed to protect the adult in the least restrictive manner.
  • Provide advocacy to assure protection of the adult's rights.
  • Involuntary intervention (i.e. guardianship or conservatorship) will be initiated only if the adult is incapable of protecting him/herself due to major mental and physical disability and there are no other less restrictive options.