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2010 Annual Report Chairpersons Letter

December 31, 2010
The Honorable Mark Parkinson
Governor of Kansas
State Capitol
Topeka, KS 66612
Lynnae Ruttledge
Commissioner Rehabilitation Services Administration
U.S. Department of Education
Washington, D.C. 20202-2800
Dear Governor Parkinson and Commissioner Ruttledge:
On behalf of the members of the State Rehabilitation Council of Kansas, I am pleased to present our 2010 Annual Report. This Report highlights the accomplishments of Kansas Rehabilitation Services (KRS) and its consumers in the vocational rehabilitation (VR) program.
This Report features the stories of many Kansans with disabilities who achieved their employment goals through the services and supports provided by the VR program. The types of jobs they achieved represent a diverse range of occupations: medical doctor, veterinarian, convenience store manager, custodian, cabinet maker, an electronics engineer for the FBI ... and even an equine dentist! This diversity illustrates the significant talents of people with disabilities -- talents which can contribute in all sectors of the economy and workplace. This diversity also represents an essential strength of the VR program -- the ability to individualize services, empowering people with disabilities to achieve employment consistent with their skills, abilities and interests.
I hope you will take a few moments to review their stories, as well as the statistical data provided about VR and the summary of the Council's activities. I believe the VR program and its focus on competitive, integrated employment are valuable assets for the State of Kansas and its citizens.
It has been an honor to serve as Council chairperson. Now and throughout the year, our members are available to you as a resource on issues related to employment of Kansans with disabilities. We welcome the opportunity to be of service.
Craig E. Perbeck, Chairperson