In addition to VR services, KRS oversees a variety of other programs which provide specialized services.
Kansas Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Several specialized services are offered for persons who are blind or visually impaired.
These services are:
The Independent Living Older Blind program provides independent living skills training in the home communities of Kansans who are 55 or older who experience blindness or visual impairment. Services are provided through contracts with a consortium of independent living centers led by Prairie Independent Living Resource Center, Hutchinson; the Envision Vision Rehabilitation Center, Wichita; and Alphapointe Association for the Blind, Kansas City.
The Business Enterprise Program (BEP) offers persons who are legally blind the opportunity to manage food service and vending operations in public/government facilities. BEP uses funds generated by its operations, rather than state general funds, to match federal VR dollars.
Rehabilitation Teaching (RT) services may be provided to assist persons who are blind or visually impaired in adjusting to blindness, increasing independent living skills, and preparing for employment.
Kansas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (KCDHH)
KCDHH offers technical assistance, advocacy, information and referral, sign language interpreter registration, coordination of interpreting services, and the Kansas Quality Assurance Screening for certification of sign language interpreters.
Independent Living
A network of Centers for Independent Living, which are community based, consumer-controlled organizations, provide information and referral; independent living skills training; peer counseling; and individual and systems advocacy. In addition, the centers provide deinstitutionalization services to assist persons transitioning from nursing facilities to community living.
Disability Determination Services (DDS)
DDS makes medical disability determinations for the U.S. Social Security Administration on most Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claims filed or reviewed in Kansas.
In May 2010, DDS received its fifth consecutive Commissioner's Citation for exceptional performance from the Social Security Administration. This Citation is based on number of claims adjudicated, timeliness, accuracy and customer service. Receipt of this award for so many consecutive years is unmatched by any other DDS program in other states.
Sources of funds for related programs managed by KRS
Disability Determination Services $14,624,822
Independent Living $255,131
Older Blind Independent Living $132,111
Rehabilitation in-service training $22,043
Sub-total federal grants $15,034,107
Social Security reimbursement $548,205
Program income $25,826
State General Funds/Fee Fund $2,396,539
Sub-total other sources $2,970,570
GRAND TOTAL $18,004,677
Uses of funds for related programs managed by KRS
Services $7,555,075
Salaries $6,078,347
DDS consultants $2,007,545
Other operating expenses $2,363,710
GRAND TOTAL $18,004,677