Funds available for VR and supported employment
Title 1 (VR) $26,213,614
Title 1 ARRA (VR) $30,500
Supported employment $300,430
Social Security reimbursement $30,875
Program income $41,989
Enterprise funds (BEP) $61,304
State General Funds/Fee Fund $7,703,275
TOTAL $34,381,987
Use of funds for VR and supported employment
Consumer goods and services $20,658,038
Salaries $10,628,669
Other operating expenses $3,095,279
TOTAL $34,381,987
Expenditures for consumer goods and services by category of service
Training $5,562,106 (27%)
Transportation $3,126,312 (15.1%)
Placement $2,652,901 (12.8%)
Assistive technology $2,211,966 (10.7%)
Physical and mental restoration $2,000,598 (9.7%)
Maintenance $1,740,324 (8.4%)
Assessment $1,540,594 (7.5%)
Other services $846,499 (4.1 %)
Miscellaneous contracts $665,628 (3.2%)
Personal assistance services $311,110 (1.5%)
TOTAL $20,658,038