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SRC Functions

Excerpt from Section 105 of the 1998 Amendments to Rehabilitation Act of 1973.


(c) Functions of Council


The Council shall, after consulting with the State workforce investment board

  1. review, analyze, and advise the designated State unit regarding the performance of the responsibilities of the unit under this title, particularly responsibilities relating to:

    1. eligibility (including order of selection);
    2. the extent, scope, and effectiveness of services provided; and
    3. functions performed by State agencies that affect or that potentially affect the ability of individuals with disabilities in achieving employment outcomes under this title;
  2. in partnership with the designated State unit:

    1. develop, agree to, and review State goals and priorities in accordance with section 101(a)(15)(C); and
    2. evaluate the effectiveness of the vocational rehabilitation program and submit reports of progress to the Commissioner in accordance with section 101(a)(15)(E);
  3. advise the designated State agency and the designated State unit regarding activities authorized to be carried out under this title, and assist in the preparation of the State plan and amendments to the plan, applications, reports, needs assessments, and evaluations required by this title;
  4. to the extent feasible, conduct a review and analysis of the effectiveness of, and consumer satisfaction with: 

    1. the functions performed by the designated State agency;
    3. vocational rehabilitation services provided by State agencies and other public and private entities responsible for providing vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities under this Act; and
    5. employment outcomes achieved by eligible individuals receiving services under this title, including the availability of health and other employment benefits in connection with such employment outcomes;
  5. prepare and submit an annual report to the Governor and the Commissioner on the status of vocational rehabilitation programs operated within the State, and make the report available to the public;
  7. to avoid duplication of efforts and enhance the number of individuals served, coordinate activities with the activities of other councils within the State, including the Statewide Independent Living Council established under section 705, the advisory panel established under section 612(a)(20) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the State Council on Developmental Disabilities established under section 125 of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000, the State mental health planning council established under section 1914(a) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300x‑4(a)), and the State workforce investment board;
  9. provide for coordination and the establishment of working relationships between the designated State agency and the Statewide Independent Living Council and centers for independent living within the State; and
  10. perform such other functions, consistent with the purpose of this title, as the State Rehabilitation Council determines to be appropriate, that are comparable to the other functions performed by the Council.