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Performance Coaching and Training

Image - Hiring Kansans with disabilities is good for business.


Performance Coaching

KRS provides performance coaching to ensure that the employees you hire meet your expectations.  Here’s how the process works:

  • Performance coaches/job coaches provide on-site training to ensure standards are met.
  • The job coach will make sure the employee meets your expectations, while also helping the employee interact effectively with your staff.
  • Job coaches may assist with soft-skills, such as arriving to work on time, customer service standards, staying on task, etc.
  • If at some point there is a need, the job coach will return to provide new or  refresher training.
  • There is no cost to the employer for performance coaching.


"If you hire me, I’ll make you proud." 
This is what Alex said to his employer when he was interviewed for his position as dietary aide at a large hospital. He got the job, and has kept his word. “I do my job; I do my best work,” he said.


Alex’s duties include filling food carts, driving the carts around the building and delivering food to patients. He also pulls dishes through the room-sized dishwasher. “I’m the fastest puller here,” he said proudly.
Alex worked with a performance coach paid for by KRS. As a result, his supervisor says the hospital values the way Alex gets the job done. “He’s a very good employee,” the supervisor said. “When he interviewed, he was very enthusiastic. We set standards and expected him to meet them. His attitude is about the best in the kitchen.”
On-the-job Training
After you hire an employee, KRS can provide wage subsidies during the initial on-the-job training period.


  • New employees have the opportunity to develop proficiency in the skills you require on-the-job.
  • Training is planned and conducted by the employer.
  • KRS pays the employer 50 percent of the actual wages paid to the new employee for a negotiated period of time, usually one to six months.

Please contact your KRS Employer Liaison for more information.

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