Do you want to work and have any of the following that apply to you?
- Do you have any type of permanent physical, intellectual, or mental disability that creates a barrier in reaching your employment goals?
- Have you ever had an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) or attended special education classes while in school?
- Are you a veteran with a disability?
- Are you needing reasonable accommodations to be able to return to work?
- Do you need training or education to obtain or maximize your employment, and your disability creates barriers?
If you answered yes to any of these questions,
Rehabilitation Services may be able to help at no cost. Call DCF at
- Are you receiving food or cash assistance and need help finding a job, keeping your job, or finding a better job?
- Are you receiving food or cash assistance and need help finishing high school, obtaining your G.E.D, or pursuing education and training related to a job?
If you answered yes to either of these questions, learn if you are eligible for food or cash assistance (TANF) benefits. Call DCF at
1-888-369-4777 or check eligibility on the
Self-Service Portal.