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Agency staff testify before various legislative committees throughout the year to inform policymakers about programs, and to provide the agency’s perspective on budget and policy proposals.
All Testimony is in PDF format, unless otherwise noted:



Presentation on Foster Care Overview to the Legislative Budget Committee by DCF Deputy Secretary Tanya Keys on December 21, 2021​

Presentation on Performance-Based Budgets to the Legislative Budget Committee by Dan Lewien, DCF Chief Financial Officer on December 20, 2021​

Presentation on Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation by DCF Regional Director Chrisy Khatib on November 10, 2021

Written-Only Testimony on Amendments to Juvenile Justice System Statutes; 2015 SB 367; Circumstances and Impact by DCF Deputy Secretary Tanya Keys on November 4, 2021

Overview of Standards and Requirements of Faith-Based Child Welfare[1]Related Organizations by DCF Director of Permanency Scott Henricks on November 4, 2021

Presentation on Benefit Programs by DCF Director of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and Early Childhood Programs Carla Whiteside-Hicks on November 4, 2021

Written-Only Testimony on Data Transmission for Child Welfare Information Between Law Enforcement and DCF by DCF Deputy Secretary Tanya Keys on November 3, 2021

Presentation on Entry into Foster Care; SB 77 Update by DCF Deputy Secretary Tanya Keys on November 3, 2021

Written-Only Testimony on Requirements for Becoming a Foster Parent and Experience with the Foster Parent Application Process by DCF Director of Permanency Scott Henricks on November 3, 2021

Overview of Best Interest Staffing (BIS) by DCF Deputy Secretary Tanya Keys on November 3, 2021


Overview of IV-D Child Support Payment Collections by DCF Child Support Services (IV-D) Director Elizabeth Cohn on October 19, 2021


Overview Infographic of IV-D Child Support Payment Collections by DCF Child Support Services (IV-D) Director Elizabeth Cohn on October 19, 2021


Presentation of Federal Child and Family Services Reviews; Trends, Performance, and Improvement Plans by DCF Deputy Secretary Tanya Keys on October 6, 2021

Presentation on Strengthening the Child Welfare System in Kansas by DCF Secretary Laura Howard on October 6, 2021

Overview of Kansas Family First Prevention Plan by DCF Secretary Laura Howard on October 6, 2021

Presentation on Data and Trends of Foster Family Home Licenses Issued Pursuant to Exception Created in HB 2158 by DCF Director of Permanency Scott Henricks on October 5, 2021

Presentation on Missing Foster Care Children and Children Staying Overnight in Contractors' Offices by DCF Deputy Secretary Tanya Keys on October 5, 2021

Overview of Duties, Responsibilities, and Contributions; Implementation of Top-tier Recommendations Including Programs, Services, and Benefits Offered; Proposed Recommendations by DCF Secretary Laura Howard on October 5, 2021

Presentation of Reports Made to DCF Customer Service Department by DCF Director of Public and Governmental Affairs Mike Deines on October 5, 2021

Proponent testimony on HB 2116 presented by DCF Director of Economic and Employment Services Sandra Kimmons to the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee on March 25, 2021.


Senate Bill 51 testimony:


Proponent testimony on SB 51 presented by DCF Director of Permanency Scott Henricks to the House E​ducation Committee on March 24, 2021.




​Senate Bill 85 testimony:

​Neutral testimony on SB 85 presented by Government Relations Manager Ethan Belshe to the House Children and Seniors Committee on March 24, 2021.

House Bill 2448 testimony:

Proponent testimony on HB 2448 presented by Government Relations Manager Ethan Belshe to the House Children and Seniors Committee on March 24, 2021.

Neutral testimony on SB 301 presented by DCF Deputy Secretary Tanya Keys to the Senate Judiciary Committee on March 23, 2021.


Neutral, written-only testimony on HB 2151 submitted by DCF Northeast Regional Director Chrisy Khatib to the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee for a hearing on March 23, 2021.
Senate Bill 120 testimony:
Proponent, written-only testimony on SB 120 submitted by DCF Secretary Laura Howard to the House Children and Seniors Committee for a hearing on March 17, 2021.
Proponent testimony on HB 2150 presented by DCF Northeast Regional Director Chrisy Khatib to the House Judiciary Committee on March 17, 2021.
Neutral, written-only testimony on SB 32 submitted by DCF Deputy Secretary Tanya Keys to the House Education Committee for a hearing on March 17, 2021.

House Bill 2115 testimony:​

Proponent, written-only testimony on HB 2115 submitted by DCF Secretary Laura Howard to the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee for a hearing on March 17, 2021.


Presentation on Child Support Services by DCF Child Support Director Elizabeth Cohn to the Senate Ways and Means Human Services Subcommittee on March 15, 2021. 

Foster Care Report Card testimony:
Presentation on the 2019-2020 Foster Care Academic Report Card by DCF Deputy Secretary Tanya Keys to the Senate Education Committee on March 10, 2021. 

TANF testimony:
Presentation on TANF block grant by DCF Secretary Laura Howard to the House Social Services Budget Committee on February 25, 2021. 

House Bill 2271 testimony:
Proponent testimony on HB 2271 presented by DCF Deputy Secretary Tanya Keys to the House Children and Seniors Committee on February 23, 2021. 

House Bill 2371 te​stimony:
Proponent testimony on HB 2371 presented by DCF Director of Child Support Services Elizabeth Cohn to the House Children and Seniors Committee on Feb. 22, 2021.

House Bill 2338 testimony:
Proponent testimony on HB 2338 presented by DCF Deputy Director of Youth Services Stacy Tidwell to the House Children and Seniors Committee on Feb. 18, 2021.

House Bill 2345 testimony:
Neutral testimony on HB 2345 presented by DCF Deputy Secretary Tanya Keys to the House Children and Seniors Committee on February 17, 2021.

​Executive Reorganization Order 47 testimony:
Proponent testimony on ERO 47 presented to the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee by DCF Secretary Howard on February 11, 2021.

Presentation on DCF budget:
DCF budget testimony presented to the Ways and Means Human Services Subcommittee by DCF Secretary Laura Howard on February 11, 2021.

Senate Bill 120 testimony:
Proponent testimony on SB 120 presented to the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee by DCF Secretary Laura Howard on February 9, 2021. 

Senate Bill 104 testimony:
Opponent testimony on SB 104 submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee by DCF Deputy Secretary Tanya Keyon February 9, 2021.

Executive Reorganization Order 47 testimony:
Proponent testimony on ERO 47 presented to the House Social Services Budget Committee by DCF Secretary Laura Howard on February 8, 2021.

Senate Bill 43 testimony:
Written-only neutral testimony on SB 43 submitted to the Senate Education Committee by DCF Deputy Secretary Tanya Keys for a hearing on January 25, 2021.
House Bill 2115 testimony:
Proponent testimony on HB 2115 presented to the House Children and Seniors Committee by DCF Secretary Laura Howard on February 4, 2021.​

Senate Bill 12 testimony:
Neutral testimony on SB 12 presented to the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee DCF Deputy Secretary Tanya Keys on February 3, 2021.

Senate Bill 51 testimony:
Proponent testimony on SB 51 presented to the Senate Education Committee by DCF Deputy Director of Permanency Melinda Kline on February 3, 2021.


House Bill 2150 testimony:
Proponent testimony on HB 2150 presented to the House Children and Seniors Committee by DCF Northeast Regional Director Chrisy Khatib on February 3, 2021.


House Bill 2151 testimony:
Proponent testimony on HB 2151 presented to the House Children and Seniors Committee by DCF Northeast Regional Director Chrisy Khatib on February 3, 2021.


Senate Bill 85 testimony:
Neutral testimony on SB 85 presented to the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee by DCF Deputy Secretary Tanya Keys on February 2, 2021.


House Bill 2116 testimony:
Proponent testimony on HB 2116 presented to the House Children and Seniors Committee by DCF Economic and Employment Services Director Sandra Kimmons on February 2, 2021.


House Bill 2149 testimony:
Proponent testimony on HB 2149 presented to the House Children and Seniors Committee by DCF  Permanency Director Scott Henricks on February 2, 2021.


House Bill 2088 testimony:
Proponent testimony on HB 2088 presented to the House Federal and State Affairs Committee by DCF Deputy Secretary Tanya Keys for a hearing on February 1, 2021.


House Bill 2127 testimony:
Proponent testimony on HB 2127 presented to the House Judiciary Committee by DCF Secretary Laura Howard on February 1, 2021.


House Bill 2075 testimony:
Written-only proponent testimony on HB 2075 submitted to the House Judiciary Committee by DCF Deputy Secretary Tanya Keys for a hearing on January 28, 2021.


Senate Bill 32 testimony:
Written-only neutral testimony on SB 32 submitted to the Senate Education Committee by DCF Deputy Secretary Tanya Keys for a hearing on January 27, 2021.
Informational presentation on Vocational Rehabilitation:
Vocational Rehabilitation informational testimony presented to the House Social Services Budget Committee by DCF Director of Rehabilitation Services Dan Decker on Jan. 19, 2021.
DCF and KDADS Children and Seniors Programs testimony presented to the House Children and Seniors Committee by Secretary Howard on Jan. 14, 2021.
Child Support Services testimony presented to the House Social Services Budget Committee by Secretary Laura Howard and Child Support Director Elizabeth Cohn on Jan. 13, 2021.
Prior Year Testimony: 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006​​​​​